The Way to Achieve Progress

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Albert Einstein

In the third millennium, which has . . . one thousand years, one day everyone will have to understand that the only way of achieving progress—and not the progress of destruction—for the whole planet is by spiritualizing individuals and, consequently, raising their moral condition. This development, whose god is greed, affects the little ones first, of whom Jesus said“Let them come to me, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (The Gospel according to Matthew 19:14)*1. Along with the elderly, children are the first to be harmed by the diseases caused by the adulteration of the environment; and this does not only happen in developing countries. The genius German-Jewish scientist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) used to say, “The word progress will make no sense while there are unhappy children.” And how many of them are out there, my dear Albert, beginning with those who live in large urban centers, where they have difficulty breathing? . . . Are governments really governing for their people?

Tela: Charles Lock Eastlake (1836-1902)


What is the “progress of destruction?”*2 It is what promotes the killer pollution, for example, that increases the greenhouse gas effect and the wound in the ozone layer, whose task is to defend life on Earth, even  the lives of those who promote so many of these same diseases. “Driven” by an ambition to win at any cost, they do not perceive that they are putting themselves, the homeland, and their families in danger. It was for a good reason that Jesus delivered a famous speech that came to be known as “The Prophetic Sermon,”*3 from which what stands out is “The Great Tribulation.” With regard to this topic, He says that if God had not cut short those days, not even the chosen ones (those who become so because of their own works) would be saved. Christ also warned that there had never been anything like it (tribulation) since the creation of the Earth, and that it will never be repeated . . . And do you think this is a joke, my children?!

*1 Jesus Blesses the Little Children — The Gospel of Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, according to Matthew 19:13 to 15:

“13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.

“14 Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.’

“15 When He had placed His hands on them, He went on from there.”

*2 “Progress of Destruction” — Title of an article published by Paiva Netto in various periodicals in the 1980s.

*3 The Gospel of Christ according to Matthew, chapters 24 and 25; according to Mark, 13; and according to Luke, 21.

José de Paiva Netto is a writer, journalist, radio broadcaster, composer, and poet. He is the President of the Legion of Good Will (LGW), effective member of the Brazilian Press Association (ABI) and of the Brazilian International Press Association (ABI-Inter). Affiliated to the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Union of Writers of Rio de Janeiro, the Union of Radio Broadcasters of Rio de Janeiro, and the Brazilian Union of Composers (UBC). He is also a member of the Academy of Letters of Central Brazil. He is an author of international reference in the concept and defense of the cause of Ecumenical Citizenship and Spirituality which, according to him, constitute “the cradle of the most generous values that are born of the Soul, the dwelling of the emotions and of the reasoning enlightened by intuition, the atmosphere that embraces everything that transcends the ordinary field of matter and comes from the elevated human sensitivity, such as Truth, Justice, Mercy, Ethics, Honesty, Generosity, and Fraternal Love.”