New Year and Self-esteem
For decades, whenever asked about what I expect at the turn of another year, I have exclaimed: New Year! A good year? That depends on us!
Every year that rises renews the hope for happier days. Predictions and resolutions are made. However, nothing will change if we do not know that behind all the ideas for a better world, what it is essential, right at the outset, is an intimate, spiritual-ecumenical stance, which is manifested in good actions. For decades, whenever asked about what I expect at the turn of another year, I have exclaimed New Year! A good year? That depends on us!
The gift of life

Edward VIII
Suffering is a reality. But must it be eternally so? Life is a gift. Human Beings, however, need to recognize their own value, which begins in the Spiritual World, from where we all came from. When people talk about developing the self-esteem of the population they sometimes think only about those who are “down on their luck.” On various occasions they show more will-power than those who are “well placed” in life. If not, how can we explain their survival? Take, for example, the poor mothers. The elite of a country is its people; which means saying that they must be treated as such, so that any nation can grow. Do not envy “those who are on top.” While this is done, progress will not be made. I remember that at school I learned that Edward VIII (1894-1972)—who abdicated the throne of England because he fell in love with the American Wallis Simpson (1896-1986)—had, shall we say, very low self-esteem. His father, George V (1865-1936), who was domineering, did not believe in him. Thus, when the subject is psychological do not judge individuals based just on appearance or their social status.

Wallis Simpson
Our fortitude comes from within. Therefore, prayer is an essential factor for strengthening us. It is not the hiding place of cowards. Praying makes us stronger! That is why I am going to conclude these simple words with a prayer from Jesus. Knowing that creatures are constantly in a hurry, He left us a short prayer, albeit very efficient. It is perfect for beginning the year with, or at any time: It is the Ecumenical Prayer of Christ, the Lord’s Prayer, which is found in His Gospel, according to Matthew 6:9 and 13:
The Lord’s Prayer – the Ecumenical Prayer of Jesus
“Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name.
“Your Kingdom come.
“Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
“Give us this day our daily bread.
“Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever.

I hope this message has done You good, so that you can believe even more in the preciosity of your existence and keep moving ahead, because God is present! And if you are an atheist, keep moving forward, but doing Good, because life is worth living.
Tom Jobim and the LGW’s ParlaMundi

Tom Jobim
The World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity, in Brasília, Brazil, celebrated 21 years of existence on December 25. Since it was inaugurated on the birthday of Jesus, in 1994, the LGW’s ParlaMundi, as it is also known, has become a place of reference open for exchanging ideas and ecumenical propositions aimed at World Peace.
One of its most prominent supporters, Tom Jobim, the late exponent of Brazilian music and one of the creators of Bossa Nova, before returning to the Spiritual Fatherland on 12/8/1994, recorded his love for this initiative in a TV clip: “I believe in life and I like living. This appears in my compositions. But now I want to invite you to sing a different song. The World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity is the Symphony of Universal Solidarity.”
Dear Tom, wherever you are, because the dead do not die, our most sincere tribute for your contribution in favor of the understanding between peoples. Your songs perpetuate love and respect for life, the first step towards a truly solidarity-based society.

World Parliament of Ecumenical Fraternity
I would like to thank the large number of letters, e-mails, and cards I have received at this time of the Permanent Christmas of Jesus and for the arrival of yet another year. I thank You for your many manifestations of friendship and wish You the same, with the hope that 2022 is full of Good achievements. May Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, inspire us to conduct our lives for the better and strengthen the feeling of solidarity and peace in our hearts!
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