Precious Treasure
There is no better opportunity to wish you a prosperous New Year than during the vibrations of the Christmas of Jesus.
The Savior of people passed by the Earth and had to pay a heavy toll to bring us spiritual liberation. But He won, He won and left us the teaching that at the pain of a whip, Light appears.

Suffering does not defeat the soul of the human being who is integrated in Him, the Ecumenical Christ, therefore Universal, the Divine Statesman. On the contrary, it raises the individual to the compassionate bosom of the Creator. There one finds warmth, because it is the indelible Flame of Celestial Charity. And one finally knows true material and spiritual realization.
And sees! Sees, even on the plane of forms, beyond the strict boundaries of the terrestrial horizon that no longer belittles their vision of the Infinite World where the ineffable joy of the Permanent Christmas reigns. And he or she, the human being, begins to distinguish from whence a power comes that does not bastardize in the promiscuity and mire of human corruption. And so in this way releases oneself from evil.
It’s Christmas!
Once again Hope has not died, as Jesus is reborn, as if resurrecting, every day, in the hearts of those who love Him.

And to Him, Jesus, we direct this supplication.
We offer you glory, Oh Sublime Redeemer; because if you resurrected, as it did happen, You did it so we may remain alive in Your Love, in Your Mercy, in Your Compassion, but also alive in Your Justice.
We believe in You, and this is, at last, the real treasure that sustains and accompanies us through eternal existence.
We feel, without vanity, proud to be Legionaries of the LGW, Christians of the New Commandment of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, collaborators and volunteers of Divine Good Will.
Our struggles serve to strengthen ourselves in You, Oh Holy Liberator, who delivers us from the injustices of the world.
To serve You, Jesus, is a privilege for those who have understood the real destination of the pilgrims of earthly roads.
If our bare feet are hurt by stones, our hearts and minds learn to persevere on the path that infallibly leads those who persist to the moment when, redeemed, we kiss Your hands and, as you did two thousand years ago to Your Apostles, wash Your feet; and whereas You, the Reason of our lives, also walked down to us, while through Your Love, Your Mercy, we rise to encounter You.
This is another act of Your Infinite Generosity.
With You we wish to remain, laborious, since You do not approve of idleness, waiting for the call of Jehoshaphat’s trumpet, that is, the signal for the times of transition. Thank you, Lord, for the deifying Faith and with which You have clothed us, so that we need not wait for death to more clearly see You and faithfully serve You.
We are Your wards!
What more could we aspire for, when You are the precious treasure that human beings instinctively long for, often without even knowing how to define it in all its greatness: Brotherly Love, which is also one of Your names!
Glory to You, Jesus, Oh Celestial Arisen, Who through Your Indescribable Sacrifice pulled us out of orphanhood and led us into the arms of the Divine Father.
No longer do we live lost in the sties of intolerance of all kinds. Accept us Lord as Your humble Cyrenians. Glory to You, Jesus, Compass to our true journey. This Compass, which is You, we will never relinquish.
So be it!
Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth to Men, Women, Young People, Children, and Spirits, the Blessed Souls, of the Good Will of God!
Whoever trusts Jesus does not waste time, because He is the Great Friend who never abandons a friend in the middle of the way!
The closer we are to Jesus, the farther we are from problems.
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