Valentine’s Day
To those who love each other—and also those who are in love with life—I dedicate an extract from an ecumenical prayer I improvised on the Super Good Will Radio Network:
Oh Jesus, whose mercy sustains us. Our prayer today is on behalf of those who love each other, who join together, and who marry. Those who through the power of Love face up to difficulties along the path, raise their children—if they have them—and move towards God, the Supreme Love that truly links the hearts of those who love each other.

Apostle Peter
Love is medicine for the Soul. It is the secret of permanent success. Jesus teaches us that Love, as defined by the Apostle Peter (I-4:8), is the power that “covers a multitude of sins;” in other words, those who act moved by Love transform their mistakes and the mistakes of others into a seed for better times. It constructs the security that the world has not yet managed to provide, because it disdains Love. The secret lies in knowing how to love to the extent that You, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, taught us all, because Love tears down barriers. It is the biggest force in Life. It is what sustains all the works of Good Will. It prevents us from stumbling. It nourishes us and gives us strength, while distancing us the feeling of lacking something.
It is Love that resonates in our Souls and keeps together those who really respect each other. That is why they love each other, because they respect one another. For all these people, without exception, we ask God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit for them to become fulfilled in Love eternally.
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