The Serious Consequences of the Various Types of Suicide

Source: A Reflection of Goodwill taken from the book A Missão dos Setenta e o “lobo invisível” [The Mission of the Seventy and the “Invisible Wolf”], June 2018.

No one is free from falling victim to lower spiritual influences, which, even when they do not reveal themselves in a gesture as extreme as killing oneself, result in consequences that seem like a veritable suicide in life.  

Reprodução BV

How many companies, for example, end up “dead,” in other words, go bankrupt? How many couples live in conflict and drag their children’s own happiness into it? How many people surrender to “death” because of their addiction to alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, which make the physical vehicle sick as well as destroy it, and distort their Souls? What about the wounds of hatred, domestic violence, femicide, pedophilia, ephebophilia, rape, and so on? How many people are drastically affected and taken from this world by these barbarities? What of wars, the economic dismantling of countries, ethnic conflicts of all kinds? What about the collective hypnosis that blinds both rulers and those whom they rule worldwide? All are Spirits in the flesh and, therefore, completely susceptible to suffer the inferior magnetism of these “invaders of Souls,” which we call “invisible wolves,” or obsessing spirits. To an even more vigorous extent, however, anyone can become a beneficent instrument under the care of the Divine Phalanxes, of the Blessed Souls. We are all mediums, as Allan Kardec (1804-1869) revealed to us. There is no power greater than that of God.

Gustavo Henrique


I reiterate how important it is for you to read the article “Balance As a Goal,” in which I clarify that the material world will no longer be able to evolve without the evident help of the Higher Invisible World.

How Can We Prevent the Actions of Evil Spirits

My Brothers and Sisters, imagine the hardship our Guardian Angels often endure in order to rid us of the harmful ambience we end up attracting into our homes, our businesses, our churches, our communities, and our countries! Some people may say, however: “But, Brother Paiva, I really do try but I can’t draw these spiritual obsessing spirits away from my path. They’re always here or there, in my company, in the streets, in my house, and in the houses of my loved ones, tormenting me, making me fail at work, and compromising my happiness, my health, and my peace. I no longer have the strength . . .

Arquivo BV

Alziro Zarur  

Yes, you do have the strength! Who told you that you don’t? Distance yourself from any suggestion of weakness that come precisely from the “spiritual evil-doing wolf” that we are strongly denouncing here. But also pray for it, so the fervent prayer touches the recesses of its soul, making it into a good individual through the transformation of its character. Ask for the support of your Guardian Angel, or Guiding Spirit, or Tutelary Deity, whatever you call these (still) Invisible Benefactors.

As Alziro Zarur (1914-1979) used to affirm, “Goodness will never be defeated by evil.”

José de Paiva Netto is a writer, journalist, radio broadcaster, composer, and poet. He is the President of the Legion of Good Will (LGW), effective member of the Brazilian Press Association (ABI) and of the Brazilian International Press Association (ABI-Inter). Affiliated to the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Union of Professional Journalists of the State of Rio de Janeiro, the Union of Writers of Rio de Janeiro, the Union of Radio Broadcasters of Rio de Janeiro, and the Brazilian Union of Composers (UBC). He is also a member of the Academy of Letters of Central Brazil. He is an author of international reference in the concept and defense of the cause of Ecumenical Citizenship and Spirituality which, according to him, constitute “the cradle of the most generous values that are born of the Soul, the dwelling of the emotions and of the reasoning enlightened by intuition, the atmosphere that embraces everything that transcends the ordinary field of matter and comes from the elevated human sensitivity, such as Truth, Justice, Mercy, Ethics, Honesty, Generosity, and Fraternal Love.”