Reflecting, Praying, and Acting in Solidarity
Since the early hours of Monday, February 6th, we have all been moved by the consequences of the earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale, whose epicenter was the city of Kahramanmaras, in southwestern Turkey, close to the border with Syria, and which caused huge destruction in both countries. Nearly 2,000 aftershocks were recorded after the initial tremor within a radius of 250 kilometers, which affected hundreds of municipalities. As of the closing of this article, the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported more than 35,000 deaths in the affected areas, in addition to tens of thousands who have been injured or are missing. It is estimated that around 1.5 million people are homeless. Israel, Iraq, Cyprus, and Lebanon also felt the effects of this earthquake, but fortunately there were no victims in those places. WHO also estimates that 26 million people have been potentially exposed to the consequences of this catastrophe.
We send our most sincere vibrations of solidarity to those who have suffered with what is considered to be the seventh biggest natural disaster of the 21st century. As for those who have gone on ahead of us on the path to the Great Spiritual Homeland, the World of Truth, we draw our comfort from the fact that the dead do not die. Wherever they are, they are more alive than ever. We pray for the compassionate support from the Heavenly Angels, Blessed Souls, Luminous Spirits, and Protecting Deities, in short, those friendly beings who embrace our disincarnate Brothers and Sisters in these days of pain. Jesus, the Ecumenical Christ, the Divine Statesman, welcomes all inhabitants of the Earth and the Heaven of the Earth with His Infinite Love. In His Redeeming Apocalypse, chapter 21, verse 4, He gives us strength:
“God will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
In these tragic times, our hearts are also filled with Faith as we observe the world’s empathy, with more than 70 countries having mobilized to send humanitarian aid and rescue teams. Brazil has also contributed to the relief efforts. In my fraternal speeches, I always stress the undeniable pragmatic value of Charity, Fraternity, and Generosity. It is absolutely not about pushing dry bread down the throat of a destitute person and then moving away from them as quickly as possible. Charity is the force that keeps us on our feet! Charity expresses strength, competence, quality, respect, love, affection, and a lot of other elements. When our lives are arid because of a lack of connection with God's Good Will, we sometimes hardly realize how much we need the Heavenly Charity!
That is why we invite everyone to reflect, pray, and act in solidarity. We need to unite our best feelings around those who are suffering and renew our Hope in the inexhaustible spring that supplies all life in the Cosmos: God, the Mother-Father of humanity, regardless of our beliefs or disbelief.

My Brothers, Sisters, and Friends who follow us on all the media: radio, TV, the Internet, in printed publications, and the huge audience of the Good Will Super Communications Network, on Earth and in the Higher Spiritual World, vibrate in the powerful ecumenical chain of prayers of the Temple of Good Will, chanting with me and with the talented Legionary Choir a fervent prayer in the form of poetry and music entitled “God Is My Strength.” Let us beg Heaven that the people on Earth, especially in Turkey and Syria, receive the Sublime Blessing of the prayers they are directing at this moment in time to the Merciful Heart of God or Allah, as our Muslim Brothers and Sisters call the Creator of the worlds. Grant us, Lord, these requests!
For my strength,
With my chant, is God.
For my strength,
With my chant, is God.
God is my salvation,
And in Him I will trust and I shall not fear.
For my strength,
With my chant, is God.
He is my salvation!
He is the God of Love!
He is the God of Love!
He is the God of Love!
He is the God of Love!
The God of Love!
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