Tesla's Visions

Nikola Tesla
The great Science genius Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)—who invented and described the alternating current (AC) motor, the Tesla coil, electric oscillators, wireless aircraft, and interplanetary communication—witnessed several episodes that corroborate the existence of the Invisible World.

In her book Amazing Psychic Experiences of the Famous, Julie Byron describes him as a unique, eccentric, visionary, and mystic man. The author interrupts her narrative about the curious personality of the prestigious inventor with a question which is, to say the least, intriguing: “Was Tesla a sensitive?” Breaking all expectations, Byron herself answers: “Tesla would have been the last person to admit such thing, actually. To the day of his death he kept his opinion that human race was nothing more than ‘flesh machines.’ Despite the antagonistic view towards paranormal phenomena, however, Tesla was repeatedly approached by the unknown all along his life.”

Although probably cautious about admitting his experiences as psychic, says Tesla’s biographer John J. O’Neill (1889-1953), out of fear of being associated to Spiritualism or any current that would consider anything else in the constitution of life than just energy and matter, he acknowledged the phenomena that had happened to himself since his childhood. Byron tells us that, acting similarly to a medium, Tesla experienced many extrasensory episodes: “On the night his mother died, Tesla saw the following scene, on the other side of the world: ‘a cloud carrying angelical figures of wonderful beauty. One of those figures stared at me lovingly while taking my mother’s face. The apparition fluctuated slowly in my room and then vanished. I was awoken by a chant that was indescribably sweet and sung by many voices. At that moment, I was taken by the assurance that no word could express: My mother had just died.’”

One day, Byron recounts, Tesla was urged to send a telegram from New York to say that he had had a vision that his sister Angeline was showing up to him and then vanishing. He suspected she was not well, although he had no reason to think that way. However, his intuition was right. She had been close to dying.
We see that whether recognizing it or not, the renowned scientist had powerful mediumship, which is intrinsic to all of us, as I have been explaining throughout this book. And that is exactly why we must be evangelized and apocalypsized, as I wrote in my article “The Comprehensive Mission of the Temple of Good Will.”
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