Bucket of Blood
I always try to respect everyone’s opinion, however, may this conscience towards the preservation of life continually increase so that tragic situations never occur again, situations similar to the one taken from the O Mensageiro newspaper, reproduced by the André Luiz magazine, issue #7, in a text by Francisco Ferreira:
“Monsignor L. B. Lyra in an article entitled ‘Against the Heinous Law of Abortion’ narrates a testimony given by a nurse in a certain English hospital: ‘Before me is a small and impotent being, still connected to its mother by the umbilical cord. It was a boy, pink in color and very well formed. He remained there wailing, and when I touched him his hands flailed. It was a scene that challenged the maternal instinct of any woman and I, as a nurse, noticed how my own feelings were in turmoil. That small being, however, was not given to its mother to be caressed and loved. Instead, it was thrown into a metal bucket, putting an end to a life that had hardly even begun’.”

It is not possible to imagine that a woman (or a man, for that matter) can remain unmoved witnessing such a scene. But in the end, the good soul that inhabits the hearts of women will lift the world from so much madness. They will put an end to the morbid culture that clouds the horizons of the Earth and that is extended to attitudes that, since the Arrhenius effect, cause global warming, for instance. The warnings that were contradicted for so long, which nonetheless did not prevent its advance, are now at this point: at this very moment (at the beginning of 2010), according to the international media, an enormous iceberg the size of Luxemburg has broken away from Antarctica after being impacted by another iceberg called B9B, adrift since 1987. If this continues, in a few years coastal cities may be flooded.
The body of the baby belongs to the baby
She who carries within her the ability to give life cannot love death. As for the adolescent and/or single mothers, why not increase, in as many ways as possible, the help provided to them, with effective public policies instead of fighting the societal institutions assisting them, facilitating their access to the job market, so that they can raise their children?
In my book Mãezinha, deixe-me viver! [Oh Mother, Let Me Live!] (1987), I argued that: those who, unaware of certain spiritual factors, unfortunately still defend abortion, claiming that women are the owners of their own bodies, forget that, by the same reasoning, the body of the baby belongs to the baby. . .
Jesus, the Divine Prophet, came to Earth to save its creatures. This is the reason for our constant concern in defending Life.
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