The Vine and the Skepticism
Humanity has lived under the dictatorship of its own castrating creations in the wide fields in which it progresses.

Emilinha Borba
The result is not the best, it is quite enough to see the scabrous social differences maintained in a “civilized” world. A clear suicidal tendency. One day the house may fall, as sang in Emilinha Borba’s song.

James Laver
The need to enlarge the human creative thinking is flagrant, so that it becomes the promoter of the great liberation that must be done. Based in what? In the Spirit, since it is not considered a mediocre mind projection, whereas it is a Sublime Luminosity that gives life to the body: here it is the Great Vine that the Creator offers to the creature to set her free from the dizziness of excessive skepticism. A dose of it might be healthy, if we appreciate the warning of James Laver, former responsible for the departments of Engraving, Drawing and Painting of the Victoria and Albert Museum, in London, between 1922 and 1959: “The absolute skepticism is as unjustified as absolute credulity.” The Spirit is objectivity; the body is the attire that must be well taken care of, because it depends on it to progress.

Isaiah wrote with reason, 55:3 and 6: “Come to me heedfully, listen, that you may have life. I will renew with you the everlasting covenant, the benefits assured to David. (...) Seek the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near.”
To follow the Prophet advice is more than enlarge Knowledge, it is to bathe it with the Divine Clarity of Love, the key that opens vast fields of the New Conscience, that makes Solidarity its perfect strategy. And here it appears the New rebirth, which Supreme Inspiration comes to us directly from God.

Buda, in his death bed, advised purposefully his “beloved disciple”, as John Evangelist was to the Christ: - Now Ananda, find your light!
Well, the individual that does not discover Light for his own light is kept in the region of shadow, apart from reality, which is much more than what he considers effectively solid. If he uses only 10% of his brain capacity, what can be pontificated as uncontestable, if he doesn’t own the complete control of the encephalic functions? This originates the individual and collective accidental detours, with their atavistic perturbations that provoke sectarianism and feed even neutralizing scientific dogmas. Thus the hindrance between communication from Above and below (Spiritual and worldly beings), in view of the arduous relationship of the person to her own spirit, which she stubbornly depreciates.
To better understand the higher environments, it is necessary to accept that they function using Light that is a fluid “matter”, in regions located beyond our understanding. There are spheres beyond the spheres, ahead of what the astronomers consider hyper-space. The border is further away, because there are no limits to the Universe of God.

The Planet is in anguish under the melancholic impact of sentimental need, because it has chosen to develop, through constringent physical ways, instead of “pari passu” acting with the tools offered by the Celestial Inspiration. This is one of the basic steps to be taken in order to enable the Earthy Knowledge to understand the Spirit fundament, that dwells in it.
The civilization requires its unmeasurable investigating qualities but should not forget God. Evidently, it is not a matter of the anthropomorphic being, historical hindrance to the urgent fraternal embrace, that one day will unite two great sisters: Science and Religion.
To deny, a priori the essence of the search, makes it difficult for the scientific field to privilege from the benefits of the confirmation that it seeks by instinct. It is like the child that stamps her feet nervously saying she doesn’t like some food she never even tasted. Be patient, oh Father, the Celestial!
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