The Social and Spiritual Miracles of Jesus
As the Supreme Ruler of Earth, when Jesus first came visibly to this planet, He also performed true social and spiritual miracles. He expanded our view of Religion, which—in addition to its strong spiritual shelter—is for that very reason Altruism, Solidarity, Generosity for all the time that is necessary for: “looking after the widows,” providing them with social protection; “taking care of the orphans,” guaranteeing they have education and social development, so they are guaranteed an ethical and consequently dignified future; “clothing the naked and feeding the hungry,” providing them with honest work so they can earn their sustenance; “healing the sick,” giving them access to quality hospitals and doctors who are trained not only technically, but also in taking care of feelings; “visiting prisoners,” paying them the necessary attention so they have the chance of renewal, rebalance, and reintegration into society with autonomy; “casting out devils (obsessives, or ignorant spirits);" in addition to taking spiritual measures, opening up new perspectives beyond matter, for the sciences that take care of the human mind (The Gospel according to Matthew 10:8 and 25:35 to 36, Mark 1:21 to 28, Luke 8:26-35, and the Epistle of James the Apostle 1:27).
Picture: Christ Heals the Sick
What can we call this, if not Solidary Spiritual Politics? This is politics of true Peace. It is the authentic Politics of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit: directed to the Eternal Essence of human beings, with the best consequences for people when they are free from religious and ideological hatred.
The Key, then, lies in Christ, because He taught us to love, and Love is the most intelligent expression of our Soul for promoting the social healing of nations. This key, however—“for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear”—originates from the Spirit, since everything starts with God, who is understood as Love or Charity. The Heavenly Father is precisely Spirit, as Jesus explained to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well (The Gospel according to John 4:24).
Picture: The Woman of Samaria at the Well
We must never forget, however, that social reform comes from the spiritual realm. That is why we study the consequence of the spiritual healings of Jesus on the active social field. Being aware of this, you who are young in body and spirit, is an intense revolution that is unfolding on the world’s horizon.
Never underestimate this tip. Practicing this sublime knowledge and divine feeling—allied with true Justice, not with unnecessary harsh punishment—is the most effective Politics that human beings can carry out. Time will show this to the pessimists.
Jesus and His Universal Protection
It has to be pointed out that the social and spiritual miracles performed by Jesus since the foundation of the world—from the time He was visibly among us on Earth, to the present day and forever—are not restricted to any earthly spiritual tradition. Our Heavenly Friend, who is always inspired by God, prevails over all religious differences. Nothing prevented Him from practicing Charity in His passage on Earth, not even cultural conventions. He showed, for example, that it was lawful to do Good on the Sabbath (The Gospel according to Matthew 12:12). We only have to remember what the Apostle Peter affirmed during his visit to the centurion Cornelius:
34 Then Peter began to speak: I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism
35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right.
36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the Good News of Peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. (The Acts of the Apostles 10:34 to 36)
Picture: St Peter and Cornelius the Centurion
Since Jesus is the exalted model of Ecumenical Fraternity, in other words, universal fraternity, He is in harmony with all the world’s beliefs. The different Religions are not in opposition to each other, but they complement each other. The same can be said of Science, Philosophy, Politics, Art, Sports, and so on.
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