“Prayer is not the refuge of cowards or the idle”

Is prayer a way of resolving a problem for you? It may seem to be a very simple gesture, but prayer has a great impact in the life of an individual, much more than we can imagine. The President-Preacher of the Religion of God, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, Paiva Netto, elucidates this in an ecumenical and fraternal way so that everyone, without exception, can benefit from this millennial resource.

We invite you to watch the following video and participate in this ecumenical moment of prayer, inspiring yourself with the words of Dr. Alexis Carrel (1873-1944), Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology (1912): “Prayer is  . . . the most powerful form of energy that one can generate. Prayer is a force as real as terrestrial gravity,” which can be found in the article “The Power of Prayer,” by writer Paiva Netto.

Ecumenical Moment of Prayer